First: Ideal concept with listed product content into cardboard displays, we communicated with our clients about what to display and how to display, Our professionals will work with you to come up with the best plan for your needs and budgets.
Second: 3D concept over view of cardboard display with times inside to show the full ideal, then confirm with our client it is approval way.
Third: Our skillfull designer using a exclusive structural technology, with design tools make it easy to create the perfect displays with innovative structures.
Forth: Make the the conceptual drawing to really, engineering prototypes to make sure the structure safe, assemble and pack costively.
Fifth: Our fulfillment center provided the following services: Display Assembly, Pack-out Of The Display, Packaging For Shipment, Labeling For Distribution.
holiday company offer a variety of Cardboard Display Stand solutions, from shipping boxes, Accessories, Wine Boxes, cardboard countertops, Clothing, retail and wholesale, to custom Food, cardboard boxes and Toy Display Stands.